středa 29. dubna 2009
Vše nej!! Samíku All the best Sammy!!

The best option seems to be to help his parents and especially his Mother as much as he can with his incoming siblings :)) So Sammy we all are sending looooots of kisses and hugs ! Enjoy your Birthday !!!
neděle 26. dubna 2009
Vařekovi přišli na pokec- our friends Vařekovi

Remeber Petr Vařeka who was a photographer on C+M wedding? We spent a nice afternoon and evening with him and his wife on Saturday.
Just a view from balcony at our garden
A train for Ondrášek and Sammy :)
středa 22. dubna 2009
neděle 19. dubna 2009
Z brigády na hřišti k babi a dědovi

On Saturday a volleyball team ( including our boys ) was preparing their sportsground outside ( the park where is Napajedla´s chateau, remember?) and we had a lunch and some fun together later on:)
středa 15. dubna 2009
pondělí 13. dubna 2009
Velikonoční prázdniny

We spent beautiful Easter time in a small town Filipov from where we went to different places, also to Slovakia Spa Piešťany. It was both perfect relax and good time with M+M+O ! Thank you Maki for an organization of this trip:)
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