Helenka povolila mladým, aby se šli projít ale Mareček po chvíli hlasitě protestoval, protože chtěl prso, a to mu nikdo nedokázal nabídnout...
We tried to calm little Mareček down but he just wanted his mother and her milk, so Zuzanka hurried to make him happy and everything was OK finally:)
Hela zkusila uspat Marečka, ale ten se nenechal. Zuzka se musela okamžitě vrátit z procházky, a pak bylo okamžitě vše vyřešeno. Maminka a její mlíčko dělalo divy:)
1 komentář:
The first house I shared with Misa looks awesome. We have many wonderful memories there and in the garden and it's great to see the house is once again full of life! Can't wait to see it again in person!